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Similarity analysis in magnetohydrodynamics: Hall effects on forced convective heat and mass transfer of non–Newtonian power law fluids past a semi-infinite vertical flat plate; A.A. Afify, E.M. Aboeldahab and E.S. Mohamed; Acta Mechanica; 2005;

Article providing commentsEdit

Comment on “Similarity analysis in magnetohydrodynamics: Hall effects on forced convective heat and mass transfer of non–Newtonian power law fluids past a semi-infinite vertical flat plate” by A.A. Afify, E.M. Aboeldahab and E.S. Mohamed (Acta Mech. 177, 71–87, 2005); Pantokratoras, Asterios; ; Acta Mechanica; 2008-06-01


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